Fall is without a doubt my favorite time of year. I know many people don't like thinking about the cold weather approaching, and the dreaded snow, but seeing the leaves change, hay rides and pumpkin pie always seem to make me smile. (oh and apple pies too!) Around this time of year I also think about all of the upcoming things I want to do with my daughter, the semi-laziness of summer is over, school has started and the prospect of playing outdoors is coming to a close. Here is my list of activities, classes and places to go when it's cold, wet and blah.
- DreamWright's Youth and Family Theater (http://dreamwrights.org/)- Fall classes are out and ready for your little thespian! I cannot say enough about how much we have enjoyed this place, check out their line-up and remember that scholarships are available!
- York Little Theater- (http://www.ylt.org/)- Fall classes are posted online, I have heard wonderful things about YLT too, check it out!
- York City Ice Arena- (http://www.yorkskate.com/)- Classes are forming now for ice skating lessons, hockey lessons and public skating sessions are always available. There is a current coupon online, 50% off a class for city residents, enjoy!
- Tumble Town- (http://www.tumbletowns.net/)- When in doubt, we always head to Tumble Town to burn off some energy. Make sure you check their website for current opportunities, like Mom's Morning Out on Oct. 12th and 26th from 10:30am-12:30pm. Also the York Area Down Syndrome Association has their play-date at the York Galleria Tumble Town the third Saturday of every month from 9-10am!
- York County Libraries- (http://www.yorklibraries.org/) FREE family fun, always well organized and well attended. Check out their story times, craft dates and for children in the York City School District there is FREE tutoring available on selected dates.
- Just Learning (http://www.justlearningstore.com/)- A great, local, toy store with it's own FREE story/craft time Friday's at 11:30am. The store is located in Queensgate shopping center and don't forget to check her website for upcoming events (we attended a Dino-poetry event that was FANTASTIC!!)
- Romp and Roll- Roll R' Way (http://www.rollrway.net/)-Starting Tuesday October 18th RNR is back on, the preschool set can bring ride on toys, strollers, bikes basically anything on wheels and have the whole rink to themselves. The cost is $3 per child and it is a lot of fun for the little ones!
- Bowling at Suburban Bowlerama (http://www.suburbanbowlerama.com/)- Sign-ups are underway for Youth Bowling programs beginning in January for kids as young as 4. Check out other bowling alley's for their programs!
- Greater York Dance (http://www.gycde.com/)- If your child is serious about dance, or just wanting to explore more, Greater York is the place for them. Top notch instructors with an excellent reputation.
- The YMCA of York: http://www.yorkcoymca.org/
- The YWCA of York: http://www.ywcayork.org/
- The Jewish Community Center: http://www.yorkjcc.org/
- York Arts: http://www.yorkarts.org/
- Lotus Moon Yoga (yes Yoga for kids!) http://www.lotusmoonyogayork.com/
- The North Museum in Lancaster: http://www.northmuseum.org/
- Hands on House in Lancaster: http://www.handsonhouse.org/
- Explore and More in Gettysburg: http://www.exploreandmore.com/
- The Playhouse Cafe in Lemoyne: http://theplayhousecafe.com/
- Bring-On-Play: http://yorkcity.org/bop (click on Plaza Palooza on the right)
- Atomic Bounce (bounce house fun!!) http://www.atomicbouncerocks.com/
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