Thursday, September 16, 2010

Helping Out!

The American Red Cross is offering a babysitting course for kids aged 11-14 who are interested in learning the do's and don'ts of the job. The class will take place from 9am-2pm October 23rd at the Springettsbury Township Farmhouse, 1501 Mount Zion Rd. The cost is $35 for township residents and $40 for nonresidents. (If you are a nonresident check your townships website to see if there is a class offered closer to you, I know this is a generally popular class and different townships offer them throughout the year!)

You can register your child at: and you must register one week before the class begins. The class is a five hour class designed to teach your child safety skills, problem solving, diapering, feeding and leadership and care skills. As a mom I would be very excited to hire a babysitter that has gone through this class!
The York County Area Agency on Aging is looking for teenagers, 7th grade-12th grade, to earn a little money while helping out some York County seniors with household chores. The "recommended" payment from seniors would be $5 an hour for help with yard work, mowing the lawn, household chores and snow removal. They call it their "Rent-A-Kid" program. It sounds like a wonderful program, the kids get a little spending money and the seniors get some work done without having to do it themselves.

For more details call Rent-A-Kid at 771-9103 or 1-800-632-9073. Or you can download forms at

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