This weekend, and next weekend, mark the 46th annual National Apple Harvest Festival at South Mountain Fairgrounds near Arendtsville, PA. This is a very heavily attended local event, if you have never been, you might want to put this on your "to do" list. Events kick off Saturday October 2nd at 8:00 am and if you want to be there right at the opening give yourself some extra time to park and catch the shuttle bus (it really is a BIG event).
There are a bunch of kids events, held in the Kid Country Building, including face painting and various games, there is also a petting zoo, pony rides, crafts and karaoke. There is also a pie eating contest for kids and a build a scarecrow area, which is always popular. The big drawl, for me, is all of the apple foods, my personal favorites are the apple cookies and apple bread, but check out the other local products like pies, cakes, kettle corn and cider.
The arts and crafts vendors are another big drawl for the crowds and this year they are boasting over 300 vendors! One quick thought if you are thinking of going, and possibly bringing a stroller along, think about bringing a jogging stroller or something with bigger wheels, the event is held on a grassy fairground area and with all of this rain there is sure to be mud. (If you have a baby think about skipping the stroller and bringing along the front carrier, between the mud and the crowds you might fare better.)
Check out more on the Apple Festival, and if you are thinking of attending make sure you keep an eye out for coupons in the newspaper. (Admission is $9 for adults, 60 years and older $8, Kids under 12 are FREE) http://www.appleharvest.com/