Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fall Clubs and Sports

It's sign-up season in York, so I thought I would pass along some sports and clubs sign-ups that might interest you and/or your children!

  1. York Youth Soccer League- For kids aged 4 and up.
  2. The York County SPCA Youth Group, for teens 13-17. The group meets from 10:30a-12:30pm the first Saturday of each month at the SPCA building in Manchester Township. Call 764-6109 or more information.
  3. The York Youth and Young at Heart Chess Club meets from 1pm-5:30pm Saturdays at CityView Community Church in Manchester Township. The group was created to help school aged children learn to play chess and prepare them for tournament play. If you are interested call Christopher Blaise Sr. at 424-9528
  4. The York Art Association is preparing for it's fall classes and youth and adult classes are available. If you are interested you can call their offices at 755-0028 or visit them online at
  5. Auditions are coming up for DreamWrights Theater's version of Animal Farm, this one is for the bigger kids aged 13-19. Visit their website for more information:
  6. 4H York County is gearing up for another great fall season, if you have a child aged 5-18 that might be interested in learning the science and technology that goes into farming and preserving the environment around them then check them out here:
  7. For something different, The Colonial York Junior Stamp Club (yes, stamp collecting), meets the 3rd Saturday starting in September though May at 10am at the Agricultural and Industrial Museum on Princess St. in York. For more information contact Paul Daugherty at paul@embarqmailcom or John Wallace at
  8. If you live in York City, the city has wonderful youth programs listed on their website, including sports, Boys and Girls clubs, and activities. Check them out here:
  9. KidShape is a family based weight management program developed to address the epidemic of childhood obesity and help kids that are struggling with weight issues. The 9 week program is geared towards families with a 6-14 year old child, who is overweight, to help teach better nutrition, help with self-esteem and get them moving with increased activity. If you are interested in this program contact Memorial Hospital or your health care provider, I have read a lot of positive feedback on the program from parents who attended this program in Harrisburg!
  10. Finally check out your townships website for fall sports that should be starting soon. Also the YMCA, YWCA and Jewish Community Center have their fall lineups available as well. The JCC also posted two specific classes for the fall in the newspaper.
  • Kids Gym Jam, which is held from 6:15pm-7pm Tuesday's for kids 1-4 years old (great sibling class). It features age appropriate gym equipment and props of all kids to develop large muscle skills.
  • Musical Me, which is held from 5:30pm-6:15pm Thursday's for children 1-4 years old. This class is intended to introduce your child to elements of music, rhythms and sounds.

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