Starting Monday July 12th the annual Mason Dixon Fair is back in session. If you are in the southern end of York County you probably know all about the Mason Dixon Fair, chances are if you are north of Glen Rock you may have never heard of it! The theme of the fair is "Proud of our Heritage, Envisioning the Future" and the focus is on farming and farm live, current and for the next generation. There are livestock shows, tractor pulls and children's activities like a milk chugging contest and sack races.
The fair runs from the 12th-17th, Mon.-Friday the midway is open 5pm-11pm, Saturday 11-4pm and then again from 5pm-11pm, but check the events calendar for more daytime events. The fair is sponsored by and benefits the Delta-Cardiff Volunteer Fire Company! Go out and enjoy some family fun and reconnect with your country roots, it sounds like a lot of farm fun!
Click here for more on the fair: http://masondixonfair.com/index.htm
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