I think the universe is trying to tell me something here, every day I'm finding new and exciting things that are happening here in York, new programs, new ideas, there is a Renaissance going on in York; right here, right now!
Today I received an email from YorkArts about a new arts and cultural website called "Creative York". Talk about being blown away, this site is FANTASTIC; click on "In this Issue" at the top of the page and then click on "download Creative York NOW!" and you will be taken to a 25 page web magazine listing all of the arts, crafts, theatre, music, dance, visual arts, aldult classes, shows and more currently taking place here in York. They list the camps and classes, everything you might need to know or want to find close to home. Brilliant!
There is also a link to donate to YorkArts and if you are like me, someone who is looking toward making a positive change in our town, this might be a worthwhile cause to stand behind. Obviously I'm not soliciting for money here, but just keep them in the back of your minds if you have a present to buy and you're looking for something different.
Here is the link: http://www.creativeyork.com/index.html . Find some classes for your little ones and maybe even for yourself, great things are happening here Mom's, I hope you are all as happy about it as I am!
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