Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Santa's Workshop

Next Thursday, December 16th, from 5pm-8pm Tumble Town at the Galleria Mall will host a Santa's Workshop for kids ages 2-10. The kids will be involved in making some hand stamped wrapping paper and little gifts for family members. Pizza, snacks and juice will be provided. The cost is $20 for the first family member, $15 for every child after that. It sounds like a cute event!

For more information call 717-600-2363

See Santa!

Here are some local places to visit with Santa, besides the crowded mall!

  1. The Markets at Shrewsbury- December 11th from 11am-2pm and December 18th 10am-1pm
  2. The National Watch and Clock Museum- December 11th from 10am-1pm
  3. (Breakfast w/Santa) Royal Manchester Golf Links- December 11th and 18th, beginning at 9am with Santa arriving at 9:30am.
  4. (Breakfast w/Santa) Bogey Macaws- December 11th and 12th (9am-12pm) call for reservations 747-9663
  5. Brown's Orchards (North)- December 11th and 18th 12pm-4pm
  6. Brown's Orchards (South) December 12th-19th 12pm-4pm